Have you ever just rolled out a swag and slept under the stars? If you haven't, then I strongly suggest you try it, no matter what age you are.
I am 52 and I love sleeping with my doors and windows wide open and feeling the breeze on my face, but I still like to have a roof over my head.
Until the other night!
There is something so incredibly wonderful about lying down on a swag and looking straight up into a clear night sky full of millions of stars and having a big bright moon smiling down on you. I was in total awe.
Don't get me wrong...I have star watched many times before, but only briefly and then slipped into the comfort of a nice warm, cozy bed under a roof. This is so different. I can't really explain the sensation I felt. I found it so hard to close my eyes and sleep as I didn't want to miss a moment.
There is something so moving and breathtaking about being at one with the universe for just that moment.....
This photo is what I woke up to. Life is good.
~Blessings to all~